This statement is the result of consumers' feedback as well as research that was commissioned by NICAM. To stay in line with scientific insights as well as parents' and educators' wishes, the Kijkwijzer age indications have been expanded from five to seven age categories. By using two ages for early adolescence (12 and 14 years old) as well as late adolescence (16 and 18 years old), ratings will be more in line with with adolescents' development. The new ratings should also give adolescents and parents better tools for assessing the potentially harmful use of media.
The seven new Kijkwijzer age categories are: AL (not harmful/for all ages), 6 (may be harmful to children under 6), 9 (may be harmful to children under 9), 12 (may be harmful to children under 12), 14 (may be harmful to children under 14), 16 (may be harmful to children under 16) and 18 (may be harmful to children under 18). Before, the teenage categories within the Kijkwijzer system consisted of only two ages: 12 and 16 years old. Apart from a expanding these categories, Kijkwijzer will also be asserting itself more prominently as a useful tool rather than a warning.